Monday 28 October 2013


My heart must be green. Ever since I was a skinny little kid I have been fond of nature. I must have been six when I was walking in the street and bumped into a heap of a very simple type of creeping plant. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for the plant that had been cut off and unmercifully thrown away. So, by way of compensation, I picked up a piece of the plant, took it home and planted it. It didn’t take the little plant very long to grow bigger and thankfully offer me larger and greener leaves. And that was the beginning of my friendship with nature, which later developed into care for all type of living things and care for the planet.
Some years ago I started recycling things like cardboard, aluminum tins and tetra-pack cartons, which is not easy when you live in a small flat and the recycling points are far from your home, but I think it’s been worth the effort.
I must admit that I don’t walk very much and I use public transportation a lot, but that is because my place of work is rather far away from home to walk or ride there. I wish there were more facilities for byke riders in our city, as in The Neatherlands. When that happens I’ll go into a shop a buy a nice bicycle for me to ride everywhere.
I’ve been a suppoorter of Green Peace for some years now. Well, I don’t jump into little boats and go to Antartica to try and stop Japanese whale factory ships, but I donate to Greenpeace on a monthly basis. So, even when I wouldn’t dare personally participate to stop whale slaughter, at least I’m contributing to prevent it happening, aren’t I?

This week´s post is related to looking after the environment. So, we want you to tell us how far down the green road you are, in other words, what shade of green you are: an Eco-Hero, a Tree-Hugger-Hater or a Green-in-Between.
Here you are some questions to help you start off writing your post:

- Where do people learn about enviromentally friendly practices?
- Have you incorported recycling into your habits? Describe
- Do you use a bike or your legs instead of a car?
- Have you joined or supported any eco-organisations? Why/Why not?
- What else have you done /would you like to do?
- What have you done to reduce your carbon footprint?
- What's missing in our society/Santiago ragarding this issue?

Keep in mind that the number of words is 240 and don't forget to make comments on at least 3 of your classmates posts.

(Tree-hugger: an environmentalist or one who believes trees and all living things should not be cut down or harmed. Someone who works to protect the environment from destruction or pollution)

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